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This is the Prayer list page. Please if you find it in your heart to pray for these people, do so in Jesus' name.


For all the lost souls of the earth
Margie Messer
The Watson Family
For Louise's Health!!

The Patterson Family

For health and guidence in everything.

Especially for Brother Norman and his recent auto accident. Please pray for a speedy recovery.

Also pray for Sister Chris to have the strenght to deal with any all that is put her way.

Desilu Smith

For her health to improve.

The Riggs Family

For health and guidence

For the Becky and her family.

For Richard Aaron

The Pettit Family

For guidence in all their missions and daily life.

For Micheal and Rebecca.

The Armstrong Family


Louise Barnett


Brian Baxter

For Brian's daughter

The Bien Family


The Browning Family
For Susan and her foot.

The Guthrie Family

For Dee health to improve

The Holbrook Family

The Lane Family

The Smith Family

Annette Bowden - her foot she recently injuried.

MaryAnn Brick and her family

James Conatser

Paulette Helton and her family

Rebecca Klaene

Mark Sadler, Jr. (missionary)- For their church in West Virginia.

Shauna Taylor

Alisha Webb

The Eads Family

Scotty McDowell (missionary)



If you would like to be put on our prayer list please e-mail with your request.