Latest Events at Grace Fellowship Baptist Church
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The Latest Events at Grace Fellowship Baptist Church!
407 Walnut Street, Elmwood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio

Sunday Morning Services

Every Sunday there is a 11:00 am morning service. Brother Norm Patterson preaches the Word of God with the guidence of the Holy Spirit.

Before the Sunday services there is of course Sunday School for adults, teens, and children.
Brother Archie Armstrong is currently teaching out of the Book of James.
Sunday Evening Services

Sunday evening services at times have different ministers preaching the Word of God. The following is the known schedule of Preachers.

December 4, 2005 Brother Lee Pettit
December 11, 2005
December 18, 2005

Men's Breakfast Fellowship/Choir Practice

To be announced.

Men's Bible Study

Men's Bible Study is every Tuesday evening 6:00 pm, at Brother Norm Patterson's Home. E-mail for details if you like to attend.

Women's Bible Study

The next women's bible study is December 17, 2005 at the Church. Don't forget about the cookie exchange!
Wednesday Night Bible Study

Every Wednesday evening starting at 7:00 pm there is a Bible study for all. Adults and children a like. A good time of music and learning the Word is had.

Brother Norm Patterson teaches the Word to the adults, while Sister Chris Patterson teach the children.

Brother Norm is currently going through Book of Revelations.

Next Baptism

To be announced.
Last Church Business Meeting

The last church business meeting was October 26, 2005 at 7:00 pm. The officers were voted in for the new year. They are as follows:

Chris Patterson

Assistant Clerk
Sarah Bien

Russell Guthrie

Assistant Treasurer
Tom Bein

SS Superintendent
Russell Guthrie

Nursey Coordinator
Anette Bowden

Wed. Nite Youth (6-12)
Clemmie Armstrong

Chris Patterson

Dee Guthrine

Junior/Youth (5-9)
Sarah Bein

Paula Pettit/Clemmie Armstrong

Teen SS
Ellen Riggs

Desilu Smith

Adult SS
Archie Armstrong

Lee Pettit

Archie Armstrong
Clemmie Armstrong(children)
Sarah Bein
Anette Bowden

Russell Guthrie
Tom Bein
Brian Baxter

Dee Guthrie
Francis Smith

Ellen Riggs
Lee & Paula Pettit
Archie Armstrong
Chris Patterson

Friday Night Clean Up
Every Friday night members of GFBC meet to clean up the church and get ready for the events of the weekend. Following the clean up those attending usually go out to eat or order in. A night of fun and fellowship. Come join and get to know us better.


Other events will be added as known. If you feel something is missing please contact Sister Paula or Sister Chris.